Tap-On "Safe Glides" With Felt Pads For Wooden Furniture Legs

Most Popular Glide for Wooden Furniture
Felt, plastic, and metal parts of glide are permanently combined during the manufacturing process to give you our most popular, most durable glide for wooden furniture. No need for drilling or gluing. Installs easily with the tap of a hammer into wooden furniture. The very thin tubular rivet holds fast without splitting the furniture leg. Felt may vary in color, thickness, and composition.
Recommended by flooring manufacturers & installers.
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Felt, plastic, and metal parts of glide are permanently combined during the manufacturing process to give you our most popular, most durable glide for wooden furniture. No need for drilling or gluing. Installs easily with the tap of a hammer into wooden furniture. The very thin tubular rivet holds fast without splitting the furniture leg. Felt may vary in color, thickness, and composition.
Recommended by flooring manufacturers & installers.
Free Shipping on orders over $500 shipped via UPS ground, within the lower 48 states.
Save 10% when you purchase 200 or more pieces of a particular item.